Getting Into "Hot Water"

Friday, February 16, 2007

Crime in Aguas?

Aguascalientes has been touted as one of the safest cities in México. That's why many residents were shocked yesterday when a gun-battle took place in the west of the city between police and reported members of a criminal organization.
The shoot-out left five people dead and six others injured. Four of the dead were police officers, the other a civilian. This, like much of the serious crime in México, was apparently drug-related.
Not long after the incident occurred army troops were dispatched to help round up the suspects and provide some semblance of calm and order.
No Canadians were injured in this incident.

The Best of México

What could be better than coming
upon an unexpected little outdoor concert
on a mild, Méxican evening?
A few days ago after school, Lucinda and I were making our way through the downtown pedestrian zone when we heard some pleasant-sounding music.
A band of about 20 musicians (mostly guitar) were performing on a stage in the courtyard of one of the small museums. The group sang traditional Méxican melodies called Rondalla.
I was happy to see a few female members in this group. The photo shows one young woman playing accordian and another the harmonica.