Getting Into "Hot Water"

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


On Sunday we drove to a park 2o minutes southwest of Aguas called Parque Recreativo Sabinolandia.
It's known for its 400-year-old trees, which I believe are a type called sabinal.
It was a great spot to take a stroll, check out nature (we did see two turtles) and to have a picnic.

Picnicing with our friends Leo and Angie.
Leo's originally from Puebla and Angie's from Edmonton.

Can you spot the kitty?

Lucindita perched on one of the trees.


  • Wow, crrrazy trees, and what a cute little kitty. I think you should just tell people you've moved to Sabinolandia, instead of Mexico.

    By Blogger Marnie, at 12:23 PM  

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