The Weather

Typical daily forecast and 3-day forecasts
Some of you up there in the Great White North (sorry if I’m perpetuating the myth) have asked “Hey Sabine, what’s the weather like down there in Aguascalientes?" So here is my report on the local weather, after some careful research of course.
Unlike in Canada it is unusual to hear someone speak about the weather. I have yet to hear a weather report on the radio. This may be due to the fact that I don't understand much Spanish or due to the fact that the weather just doesn't change much, so there's nothing to report.
A couple of the local newspapers do give a brief account of the expected weather for the day. One newspaper, the one we buy called El Aguas, gives the days expected weather as well as a 3-day forecast! Needless to say I was both relieved and elated when we discovered this gem of a paper. I may not be able to read much else in it, but I can decipher the little pictures showing the day’s pronóstico, which quite frankly always depicts the tormentas as occurring at the same time of day. Both at 1:00 pm and at 9:00 pm. I’m not sure they have ever occurred at either of those exact times. And as you may be able to see from the three-day forecasts there aren´t many decipherable differences. Tormentas, todos los dias.
The months of July, August, and September are the rainy season. This means that the day usually begins sunny, with mid-day temperatures reaching 22-27 degrees Celsius, with no humidity. By late in the afternoon or evening clouds have gathered and result in a thunderstorm and varying amounts of rain. The nighttime temperature hovers around 14 comfortable degrees.
During the fall there is less and less rain until, apparently, all rainful suddenly ceases and won’t begin again until May or so. If you read the general info about Aguas in the second post, you’ll remember I mentioned that large amounts of rain can fall in a short period of time, flooding roads here and there. Just recently we read in the newspaper about an intersection located a little to the south and west of us as having been under 1 meter of water after a brief downpour.
Fall also brings slightly cooler daytime highs and slightly cooler temperatures at night.
During late December and around Christmas the temperature during the day reaches 15-20 degrees. Nights can be cool, but usually no less than 5 degrees.
Most Hidrocalidos (this is what people of Aguas are called), will agree that for the last 10 years the weather has been increasingly unusual. More rains, sometimes cooler temps and they even had snow once about 5 years ago! (Yikes, I hope there’s no snow this year. I don’t think we’ll miss it much.)
January is cool like Decemeber and then in February temperatures start to rise again and peak in May, just in time for the big Feria, a big month-long fair featuring music and bullfighting, agricultural exhibits, and more.
Hey, that sounds exactly like our weather lately, except it's humid here. We're expecting high winds today along with rain and general tediousness. (It's Word on the Street day, so it MUST rain.)
Marnie, at 4:39 AM
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